Leah Falk

Poet & Educator—Summer 2024


WEBSITE www.leah-falk.com | Based In Philadelphia


Leah Falk is a poet, writer, and arts educator/administrator. She is the author of Other Customs and Practices (Glass Lyre Press, 2023) and To Look After and Use (Finishing Line Press, 2019). Her poems have been selected for Best New Poets 2018, the Beulah Rose Poetry Prize from Smartish Pace, nominated for the Pushcart Prize, and featured on Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and in publications including The Kenyon Review, FIELD, Thrush, Gulf Coast, and Electric Literature.

Her critical and personal essays have appeared in Los Angeles Review of Books, Haaretz, Hey Alma, Michigan Quarterly Review Online, and elsewhere. She’s received support for her writing from Sundress Academy for the Arts Vermont Studio Center, the Yiddish Book Center, and Asylum Arts. Leah is a graduate of the Helen Zell Writers Program at the University of Michigan and of Oberlin College.

By day she is Director of Education and Engagement at Penn Live Arts and lives in Philadelphia with her husband and two daughters.


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